next generation protection solutions
Drawing on expertise leading the security risk management of some of the world's best-known corporations and individuals, we were inspired us to design our portfolio of high quality services, to deliver the proven solutions and measurable effect our the industry needed.​​
Visit our About Page to understand what drives us, and our Proven Performance Page to see examples from our global portfolio.

Our privacy and protective intelligence solutions have reduced risk to some of the world's best-known
corporations and their people, from program delivery to Personal Identifiable Information (PII) removal.
Find out how we protect privacy when data is a commodity, and privacy is for sale.

Our physical security solutions are delivered by qualified subject matter experts, experienced in meeting the needs of the world's best-known Corporations and some of the world's most notable people.
Find out how we specify, design and deliver proof-driven physical security solutions.

From Board Level Executive Protection program design and delivery, through to covert street-level operations, we have protected Royalty, Diplomats, Corporations and the Ultra High Net Worth.
Find out how our discrete services optimise privacy, protection and productivity.

We deliver capability development services to Military, Police and Corporate organisations, including Tier 1 Special Operations Forces, Royalty & Diplomatic Protection units and private protection teams.
Find out how we help high-performing teams develop, validate and sustain capability.
If you'd like to find out more, please contact us using the form below

reducing risk | accelerating opportunity
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5th Generation Solutions Ltd
4-6 Canfield Place
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Email: info@5gs-risk.com​​
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